Saturday, October 13, 2012


So, really, I don't ever update my blog. But that's Ok, because I've filled my time with other things.
I recently moved, and have probably 82 projects I want to do as a result. Its a house built in the 20's if I had to guess. It has cool exposed wood beams. The heaters creak when they turn on at night. I'm growing fond of the noises an old house makes. There is hot water, finally. We had to paint because the former tenants painted the place like assholes. Our bedroom once had a green, yellow and blue prism painted in the corner. It was the kind of thing that if I was hung over enough, I might actually look up at and puke. 

Lucky for me, I have a break coming up from work. I can do things like paint our kitchen the perfect shade of mint green, set up a drawing table for when Olyver goes to sleep and I'm feeling like drawing, and maybe actually getting my Etsy shop back up (that's my plan for now). Because I didn't take a normal maternity leave, I'm eligible for taking one anytime before my son turns 1 in December. I'm taking two weeks off to get a few of these things done, and we're going to visit Gerrad's parents in Texas. I'm trying to convince him we NEED to buy a longhorn skull while we are there visiting. I've decided I need more taxidermy in my life. 
It's raining for the first time in 80 days. For Seattle we had the most beautiful summer. I love October, fall is my favorite season for sure. I really need to spend a day out photographing all the trees. I drive past a graveyard everyday to get to work, and it's surrounded by the largest trees imaginable that are just starting to turn colors. It will look awesome when it snows. I'm so glad to be living where there are actual seasons again.

I'm scared of keeping Oly warm enough. He loves to be outside; going on a walk to the park, around the neighborhood, to the tea shop has become a daily thing for us after I get home from work. Now days are growing darker and the nights colder.
I feel like on my break I need to go to a good show, I'm due for drunken night or four. Nothing beats walking home at night when you know it's cold but you can't feel anything except the way you feel. I don't know if that makes sense but I miss those nights. I saw Russian Circles a few months ago. I miss abrasive music on a regular basis. My solution is I need to invest in a record player with nothing but grindcore and sludge-y metal records, and T. Rex's “The Slider” for good measure. (That's my plan for now too I guess). At least my son will have great taste in music.
I am tired, sleep sounds like a good alternative to continuing the most pointless blog everrrrrr . G'night.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Olyver Gray Meriwether was born on Sunday, December 18th 2011.

I knew that I wasn't going to get to choose which way he was delivered, and my due date grew to be an aspiration rather than an accuracy.

I spent a total of 47 days at the hospital. On day 44, the medical team decided that my blood pressure was rising too much to be controlled via increased medication, and I was induced.

My labor started with a foley induction, one without medication. It was painful, but afterwards I had a few hours of relative calm before my contractions became progressively worse. I had been induced at 6PM, and by about 3AM I started wondering how much worse things would get. I had a really hard time staying relaxed and breathing through my contractions, and my blood pressure was starting to dictate having an epidural. Sitting through my epidural was rough, but the relief I got from it made it worthwhile within minutes. I felt warm and relaxed.

At about 5AM I was given Pitocin and told I was 3cm dilated. I was also told that I had a small birth canal and that I might need a c-section. Shortly afterwards it was determined that Oly was reacting negatively to the Pitocin, and the doctor asked me to consider having a voluntary c-section versus waiting and possibly needing one anyway. She left momentary while I started to somewhat freak out about having to make a choice. We decided that I should opt to have the c-section at that point even though I was really scared. The doctor came back and said we definitely needed to do a c-section and that I no longer had a choice. I was wheeled into a sterile room with many doctors and was started on a stronger dose of medicine. I could feel everything that happened, although most of it was not very painful. At times I did feel pain, but even the parts that weren't painful were really incredibly scary. I was really glad I had Gerrad beside me because I was freaking out and I had someone to help placate me.

I was given morphine and was very out of it, but remained awake throughout most of the procedure. I awoke to Olyver's crying, his little arms and legs wiggling and kicking across the room. Gerrad accompanied him up to the NICU to regulate his blood sugars and breathing while I was put back together.

The first several hours went by in a blur; I was on a high dosage of magnesium to prevent seizures from my preeclampsia which made me feel really out of it. I called a few people and don't even remember conversations I had. I remember being wheeled upstairs to go see my son, I didn't get to hold him but I got to see him. He was determined to be healthy, I got to stick my hand through his little incubator and stare at him for a while.

I didn't get to hold him until the next day due to my medication and general well being. By day two I was able to walk, and I was sent home on the third day post delivery.

Olyver started to regulate his breathing and was taken off of his respirator by day 3. His blood sugars started to level out and he was taken off of glucose by the end of the first week. He continued to progress, but remained in the hospital for 38 days because he was having apnea and had trouble feeding. There were a few times that we were sure it was only going to be a few more days, only to have weeks pass.

Fortunately he's home now, and I'm still adjusting to life with a newborn. Sleep is a joke, but with that said it's really quite amazing having a son. He's unbelievably cute, and he's growing so fast. He's very expressive as you can see from the photos. :)

I have to go back to my job this week, I'm nervous about managing everything I have going on now in my life, but it'll be good to have the extra income. I think I'm going to be able to take a maternity leave towards his first birthday which is awesome.

I'm currently addicted to Instagram, you can follow me @jmikolaizik