Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pink Parlour Aftermath

This weekend I was a vendor at the Pink Parlour Festival in LA. There was a ton of work involved to prepare, but all things considered I think it went well.

I used old beat up photo frames to display my necklaces on. I found fabric at a local used furniture store, hooks from a hardware store, and kind of made my own hinges out of duct tape. Super ghetto but it was cheap and worked! :)

The show was fun, I split a booth with my friend Jenny, who runs a fabulous shop on Etsy called Inferno Creations. She brought a bunch of super fun soaps (revolver and anatomical heart shapes, adorable!), lavendar eye pillows in great fabrics, and lovely handpainted and mixed media mirrors.
It was her first show, and my first show of this scale.
We found a great app for smartphones called Square, which allows you to run credit card purchases by swiping them through your phone. Amazing service, I'm stoked to keep using it for future events.

I ended up making a profit, and hope I can make it back for next year's Pink Parlour event.

Thanks to everyone who helped to make this weekend possible! Tons of rad customers, feedback, and opportunities.

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