Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So, tonight I will head Westward on my trek to Texas. We'll be passing through the Salton Sea area; unfortunately it will be at night so I won't be finding photo ops like this one, fortunately at night because it's going to be blazing hot! I wish I were leaving San Diego to get away from the heat, but instead I'll be traveling though and staying in hotter and dryer climates. Let's hope I don't get too bad of a sunburn (bringing SPF 50 and bought a cute painted wooden umbrella if things get too bad). It's been too long since I've been on a serious road trip, and I've only been to Texas once (through the Houston airport, doesn't count for much). I will have tons of photos to share upon my arrival home. I'm traveling with two of my friends and am looking forward to our adventure! Best of all, we're staying with my friend's family, not only is it free, but I get to enjoy good ol' Texas cooking and spending time with good company. :)

Just added some more fun jewelry to my Etsy shop,
check it out!

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